Artlines Media

Client overview

A case study for our own redesigned and redeveloped website! You should know who we are... Artlines Media, print and web media design agency based in High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire.


The old Artlines Media site was outdated and looking tired - we needed a facelift to bring our image up to par with industry-leading design agencies nationwide. We also needed to overcome the problem of keeping the website up to date, with an intuitive and easy-to-use content management system able to update any aspect of the website.


The solution is what you see right now - a spacious and modern design complimented with new branding / logo. Our new site runs on PHP / mySQL, with carefully thought-out AJAX features to further enhance the user experience. The site is fully Search Engine Optimised using mod_rewrite to create user and search engine friendly URLs, and to also redirect users attempting to access old non-existent pages which may still be listed on google, yahoo, etc.

A new feature of our website is the client login area, whereby clients can securely access, view and manage all their projects in conjunction with Artlines Media, making proofing and signing off an easy experience.

Let's not forget our Content Management System - with myself (Jay) on board, Artlines Media finally has an in-house developer and there's nothing I enjoy more than creating an intelligent CMS. All our news, case studies, blogs, client logins, images and files can be taken care of by any member of the Artlines Media team at the click of a mouse.

Project samples

Click thumbnail for larger image.

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Artlines Media - 2
Artlines Media - 3
Artlines Media - 4

What we do


Case studies