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everything_ web
Commercial web sites are now viewed by over 450 million people. Web design is a proven and established practice in effectively serving this audience. Expert web design focuses on the users online experience and information transfer.

We provide online strategies, design, email set up, feedback and online forms, programming, authoring, artwork, animation, database driven and content managed websites, plus ecommerce sites, utilising the latest payment facilities.

All these services are delivered by a highly experienced design team who have the clients needs as their first priority.

If you wish to receive a copy of the Artlines Media Ltd introductory brochure please fill in our online form.


Content Managed Solutions_ (database websites)
The CMS enables non technical people to develop and maintain their own website. Artlines using a local software development company who have developed an easy to use system which can be tailored to each individual client's needs. This software develoment company is constantly developing this software to add more functionality.

CMS features:
" Edit blocks of text on your web site pages.
" Update tables of Articles/News or Client Lists.
" Add and Remove pages.
" Upload images and files
" Add and Remove navigation items/buttons.
" Edit Styles such as Fonts and Colours.
" Add external web links

example of CMS

click on examples below