Artlines Media Blog

Hansteen Holdings plc annual report complete


Hansteen Holdings plc annual report complete

Hansteen needed a design partner to develop their brand and corporate marketing material. To promote their company to investors and inform their shareholders of latest announcements and issue quickly and effectively.

The information and figures needed to be delivered in digestible chunks. The feedback from staff and shareholders has been very encouraging.

View the case study

Branding, Website and Print design for HLC


We have been working really hard on this project for the last 3 months. We had to deliver a complete re-brand, as part of the process we had to interview over 20 stakeholders and many members of staff.

From this feedback we started work on the branding process and delivery of: brand guides, template documents, signage, clothing, website and the launch event.

View the case study

A very important decision


Your annual report must be both clear and presentable if you are to convince your shareholders or trustees that your performance across the year is worth their continued investment.

Firstly we aim to understand your business. Our clients span a wide variety of industry sectors but all share the same need for a visual solution to a business issue. Whether that is to improve their business image, communicate a particular message, or to sell more products, we help get the message across.

  • face to face consultation enables us to focus accurately on your requirements
  • cover and page design with proofing via our client area
  • high quality printing with multiple deliveries
  • optional mail-out service

We are always happy to provide a quote based on as much information as we can get. You can either give us a call to discuss the requirements, or email through as much information as you have. Either way we’ll get an idea of costs to you straight away.

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