Artlines Media Blog

Bringing you up to date.


We've been really busy over the last few months, so I'll try and bring you up to date!

We have been working on some large and exciting projects. From front end rebuilds, an event management system to 2 new annual report projects, we have had 6 new client wins in the last 8 weeks. So watch this space and we will be giving you all the details as the projects go live.

What is a QR Code?


What is a QR Code?

A QR Code is a matrix barcode (or two-dimensional code), readable by QR scanners, mobile phones with a camera, and smartphones. The code consists of black modules arranged in a square pattern on white background. The information encoded can be text, URL or other data.

Although initially used for tracking parts in vehicle manufacturing, QR Codes can now be used in a much broader context, including both commercial tracking applications and convenience-oriented applications aimed at mobile phone users (known as mobile tagging).

QR Codes storing addresses and URLs may appear in magazines, on signs, buses, business cards, or on just about any object about which users might need information. Users with a camera phone equipped with the correct reader application can scan the image of the QR Code to display text, contact information, connect to a wireless network, or open a web page in the phone's browser.




The online world is currently atwitter (no social media pun intended) about HTML 5, and how quickly we as web developers can adopt this 'new' mark-up language as our formatting default. But just how much excitement should this really merit?

I've used XHTML 1.1 transitional for the last 4 years, and for good reason. Mostly, I enjoy the consistency of it. Everything lowercase, all attributes within quotes, all tags must have an end. The XML-rigidity of it is extremely appealing to me, and also makes it more readable when it comes to making amends or working within a team.

HTML 5 doesn't inherit this rigidity – any case is allowed, attributes not required to be in quotes and tags don't require an ending. I'm not so sure about this, it could quite easily lead to messy code and inconsistent standards, especially with new coders, and I don't think this is a good thing – surely, code consistency is best practise.

This personal gripe can be solved, however, by serving HTML 5 with an XML MIME type, thereby turning it into XHTML 5. This way, all the new elements and features of HTML 5 can be used whilst maintaining the strict coding standards I so enjoy.

Here are some features I'm really looking forward to using:

  • Wrapping the a tag around any element, including block elements such as div – Up until now, this could only be done using a javascript fix.
  • HTML 5 video – clearly the most talked about HTML 5 element is video, for good reason. Video on the web currently relies on plugins being installed within the browser such as Adobe Flash, or Microsoft Silverlight. With HTML 5, video playback is native within the browser, requiring no plugins or javascript integration. This also opens up the video element for CSS manipulation for things like opacity, overlapping and rotation (with CSS 3). Annoyingly, a codec squabble is preventing consistent cross-browser operability at present.
  • Improved web forms – the text field has been revised, and HTML 5 now recognises input type="email", "tel", "url", etc, as well as returning validation through 'The constraint validation API'.

There are of course many more features, these are just some of the things that I can see will immediately improve my day-to-day life.

To find out more about HTML 5, visit

Artlines achieves RAR Agency status


Artlines achieves RAR Agency status

RAR (Recommended Agency Register) is an independent organisation that recommend suppliers who have received high ratings from their existing clients.

The key areas they focus on are: client service, creativity, effectiveness, strategic thinking and value for money.

We would like to thank our great clients for their feedback and allowing us to work on some great projects.

An alternative to Google Analytics?


An alternative to Google Analytics?

Over the next few months we will be beta testing a new online analytics system called Reinvigorate. A new real time analytics system with some really nice features:

  • Live Visitor tracking
  • Hourly, daily, and monthly breakdowns
  • Track visitors from your desktop (mac and pc)
    Heat Map Technology (See where visitors click the most. Correct dead spots and improve your site's traffic flow.)

We look forward to giving you our honest feedback, and see if it's something we will roll out to all our customers.

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