Artlines Media Blog

New ideas and opportunities


All the headlines talk of businesses cutting enormous numbers of jobs and scaling back investments. Although much of this is sensible, new ideas must be supported and there are still opportunities to be found.

Web businesses are growing and the move from offline to online is continuing apace, you need only look at all major web retailers to have this confirmed. The web gives power to customers in times where value becomes so important, as they can compare prices and get a depth of information that is impossible through other channels. The web shakes up normal business models and any company ignoring this shift does so at its own peril.

A pound invested online is far more effective than one spent offline in this harsh consumer climate where you need to be able to track impact carefully. Making the most of these opportunities requires some flair and some risk taking.

Businesses with an online presence have the ability to move fast, test things constantly, put the customer at the heart of everything they do and are not afraid to reinvent an industry with bold new ideas. Online businesses are constantly reinventing themselves and adapting, this is key to surviving this downturn. You can have your predominantly offline product adapted to an online environment, aware that people still want to have a great time but at the moment may not have the spare cash to go out so now they can enjoy your service at home.

Language School site launch


Artlines have completely overhauled this language school website. We have also added some great new functions, such as a complete CMS and language option (coming soon), giving the client real control of the new website.

About the school

The many races and religions represented in Southall offer the student the opportunity to experience and learn, with those from a whole variety of cultures. The school welcomes students from all cultures and backgrounds.

Visit the site at

CMS and Partner Area Project


Artlines have been chosen to develop a bespoke CMS and Partner Area for one of the UK's largest software security firms.

It will be an exciting project for the Artlines team and we look forward to working with them on this project.

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