Artlines Media Blog

AIM Rule 26 Website Compliance


AIM Rule 26 of the AIM Rules for Companies requires all AIM-quoted companies to adhere to an up to date website which contains the required information displayed in a certain manner. It's been around for a while, but well worth taking note of.

The following information is required by AIM Rule 26:

  • A description of the business

  • The names of the directors

  • Responsibilities of the directors

  • Country of incorporation and main country of operation

  • Memorandum and articles of association

  • Exchanges or trading platforms other than AIM on which securities are traded

  • Number of AIM securities in issue, including treasury shares, those not in public hands and significant shareholders

  • Restrictions on the transfer of AIM securities

  • Most recent annual and half-yearly reports

  • Notifications made in the last 12 months

  • Most recent admission document

  • Nominated adviser and other advisers

If you want to know how to use your website effectively and other areas of compliance call Artlines Media on 01494 614 600.

A very important decision


Your annual report must be both clear and presentable if you are to convince your shareholders or trustees that your performance across the year is worth their continued investment.

Firstly we aim to understand your business. Our clients span a wide variety of industry sectors but all share the same need for a visual solution to a business issue. Whether that is to improve their business image, communicate a particular message, or to sell more products, we help get the message across.

  • face to face consultation enables us to focus accurately on your requirements
  • cover and page design with proofing via our client area
  • high quality printing with multiple deliveries
  • optional mail-out service

We are always happy to provide a quote based on as much information as we can get. You can either give us a call to discuss the requirements, or email through as much information as you have. Either way we’ll get an idea of costs to you straight away.

The power of information


Statistics like open and click rates are very powerful, but when you start comparing your results over any given time the feedback information really becomes apparent. By looking at user trends and compare reports it is simple to see exactly what is and is not working in the email campaigns you send to your customers.

By comparing these statistics, opens, clicks, bounces, unsubscribes, you can quickly see what content your subscribers find relevant, and make the necessary changes to deliver greater results.

If you would like to see a demonstration of the reporting system, give us a call, We love to meet new clients.

Idle hands and illustrative talent down at BCUC


Idle hands and illustrative talent down at BCUC

Last night I went down to the student bar at BCUC (the Bucks uni) to check out ‘idle hands’, a team of street artists and illustrators – one of which is a friend, hence how I ended up there. The setup of the evening involved 6 guys tricking out some 8 × 4 canvases (well, white-washed MDF actually) as envious spectators drank and gawped at their work as it developed, and wow, was I impressed.

One of the artists especially impressed me, going by the name dirty thirty. Below is a picture of his board.

The event had a real positive and creative atmosphere, and I managed to have a chat with a few of the artists as they were working. It just shows what great talent is emerging locally, and I look forward to networking with idle hands more – and hopefully collaborating with them on projects in the not too distant future.

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