Artlines Media Blog

Artlines Media win website rebuild and seo campaign.


The activity involves the rebuild of their website, a social networking and SEO campaign.

Our job has already begun on developing the strategy, understanding the competitors and user analysis, the next steps are to develop concepts and start the market research for the SEO campaign. We can’t give away too much at the moment, so watch this space to find out more.

A bit about Bing


Bing is Microsofts new search engine and replaces

They say:
“The explosive growth of online content has continued unabated, and Bing was developed as a tool to help people more easily navigate through the information overload that has come to characterise many of today’s search experiences. Data from comScore Inc. shows that across all search engines, as many as 30% of searches are abandoned without a satisfactory result. The data also showed that approximately two-thirds of the remaining searches required a refinement, re-query or click back to the search results page.

With Bing, Microsoft aims to help people complete tasks faster by presenting better organised and more relevant content, great tools to help people in their search experience”

It is already the third most poplular search engine after Google and Yahoo, but could soon take over the number 2 spot. We have been looking at the impact of this new search engine and some key aspects that are key to SEO success are:

  • Domain name age
  • Anchor text
  • Meta titles
  • Content themes

These may change soon as we find out more about its structure and algorithms. So check back to find out more.

Microsoft only 3 years behind Google


Microsoft have just released details of their online document suite, a lightweight version of Microsoft Office which will rival Google Docs – launched 3 years ago.

I can’t believe it’s taken this long for Microsoft to catch up with this, 3 years is a lifetime in the technology world. 3 years ago, I still owned a couple of VHS video tapes and listening to CDs!

To be honest, I’m not a big fan of Microsoft’s new ‘innovative’ products, I use XP rather than Vista, and prefer Office 2003 to 2007. And I doubt the online Office 2010 will tempt me away from the simple and efficient Google Docs, but we will have to wait and see.

Electronics manufacturer chooses Artlines Media as its design partner.


A specialist electronics manufacturer has selected Artlines Media from a selection of agencies to redesign its website and develop its brand.

The new designs will seek to strengthen the brand online and offline, conveying the best in class capabilities of the company. We look forward to working with them to raise their profile online, by creating a website that actively engages with new audiences. Watch this space for more.

New website gets over 500 new visits in the first week.


After a fast and furious 3 weeks, we launched a new project to coincide with a major TV advertising campaign. The new site has received well over 500 visits within the first week.

Artlines Media designed and built a site that would promote the essence of the brand and strengthen their competitive edge.

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