Artlines Media Blog

How will your website look on an iPad?


With the much awaited launch of the iPad today, I thought we better make sure that everything was up to speed as far as our site goes, and of course, our clients. Testing the site through the Apple SDK 3.2 simulator with support for iPad, from the Apple Developer Centre, we can continue to make sure all our sites work on the latest environments.

Another very useful tool from Google


I came across this tool, after talking to a friend of mine in PR, it has been around quite a while, but has only just come to my attention. Google alerts allows you to be sent results for key search terms, a very useful tool for SEO, PR or a companies marketing department.

See more information from Google below:

Google Alerts are email updates of the latest relevant Google results (web, news, etc.) based on your choice of query or topic.

Some handy uses of Google Alerts include:

  • monitoring a developing news story
  • keeping current on a competitor or industry
  • getting the latest on a celebrity or event
  • keeping tabs on your favorite sports teams

Google Alerts

Economists encourage businesses to 'think design'


Leading economists are supporting the call for businesses to use design to transform how they do business and compete as Britain's industries battle to recover from the effects of the recession.

Robin Bew, Chief Economist for the Economist Intelligence Unit said "Not only has the UK recession been deep, but the recovery is likely to be slow and difficult for many businesses. New strategies will be needed to cope, and design thinking is one important technique that firms need to consider when planning for the future."

Vicky Pryce, Joint Head of the Government Economic Service joined the call for businesses to put design at the boardroom table:  "UK industry needs to innovate to compete in current global markets. That means it's more important than ever that we help businesses use design to positively impact growth."

Forward-thinking businesses are using design in its broadest sense to completely transform how they do business. Rather than bringing in design at the end of the process to make products or services look better, they are using it at a strategic level to rethink every aspect of the company.

Research and findings from the Design Council

New project wins for the team


The new projects consist of 4 website developments and CMS projects all for launch before the end of June. We will be sharing more information in due course so watch this space to find out more.

Seductive Design


I came across this video via Smashing Magazine, I thought it gives great insight into the power design can have on the decisions people make and the impressions they leave.

Andy Budd – Seductive Design from Build on Vimeo.

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