Artlines Media Blog

Google+ in their own words


Here is Google’s official videos giving you a sneak peak as to what is on offer, in the now public release of Google+. As I have only recently joined Google+, I can’t comment too much, but I will be sure to post my full thoughts in due course.


Google+ Circles

Google + Hangouts

Connect Systems gets a new look


This week we launched the redesigned website for Connect Systems. Connect Systems is a highly successfully IT support and services company, based in Chesham, Buckinghamshire. They have a well established industry reputation, with the vast majority of their new customers coming to them from word-of-mouth recommendations from existing clients.

The redesign sees a complete overhaul of the site’s design and back-end using our Arena CMS that allows them to easily manage and update content.

Why not take a look for yourself:

dContruct 2011 - Designing Digital Products


dContruct 2011 - Designing Digital Products

Well once again the team headed down to Brighton for dConstruct 2011, always nice when the sun is shining. After an early start we arrived at the Dome, followed swiftly by some coffees we took our seats as the conference began.

The line up was as follows: Don Norman, Kelly Goto, Frank Chimero, Bryan Rieger & Stephanie Rieger, Kevin Slavin, Matthew Sheret, Kars Alfrink, Craig Mod and Dan Hon.

The two talks that really stood out for me were: Emotional Design for the World of Objects by Don Norman and The Full Stack of Entertainment by Storytelling, Play and Code by Dan Hon.

Each of these talks really focussed on the changing way in which we interact with systems and products, and the memory we are left with as key to their success. The other key element I took away from the day was how business models are changing and evolving, our challenge will be to evolve with the needs of our clients’ changing needs.

Report: dConstruct 2011 .net magazine

dConstruct 2011

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